During the language learning process there are lots of motivation sources. And I think positive feedback is one of the important ones. As a teacher, I have to be sure that all of my students are eager to learn English. But this can be challenging in Turkey.

I think learning a language has always been seen as a terrible and difficult process in our country, and therefore there is always a prejudice against English teachers. I believe that is why giving positive feedback is much more important to Turkish students. Let's imagine a classroom which is full of students who afraid of English. 

If the teacher in this class only highlights when students make mistakes and does not give positive feedbacks such as "You can be better if you study harder" or "You are very good, but the answer should be...". This alienates students who are already prejudiced from the course and also it reduces their chance of learning and improving themselves in context of second language. Another reason makes me believe that this item is important is the things I have experienced myself. I believe it is very important not to be afraid of making mistakes. 

When I was in middle school, like everyone else, I was afraid of learning a new language and made mistakes very often, but thanks to my teacher, I realized that when I make mistakes, nothing bad happens and it only improves me. But if he had told me harshly about my mistakes, maybe I would not be studying English language teaching now.

As a conclusion, we touch the lives of students, and therefore it is much more important whether we approach it in a positive way than in other professions. We should always remember that the important thing is not to do something, but to do it right.


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