Teaching is a very important and valuable job, but it is also very difficult. I, as a future teacher, must make sure that my students listen and understand the lesson from the moment I enter the classroom. But I cannot expect this from bored or unmotivated students. That is why I need to be sure they are ready to learn. But how can we understand bored or unmotivated learners?

There are a lot of students who are biased towards English in Turkey, so they get bored very quickly. For instance, in a class of 30 people, 5 bored people glitter. I think that because these students often have trouble focusing on the lesson; they talk too much, try to interrupt the lesson and also disturb their friends. Or they fall asleep. So, we can easily recognize bored students by paying particular attention to who engage in such behaviors. I believe same thing goes for unmotivated students. Besides these behaviors, they seem more upset and wait for the lesson to end without trying to answer questions. And as another example, when you give an assignment to the class, they always complain like ‘’Why is this lesson so hard’’ So, we can identify these students easily by paying attention.


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